Academic Portfolio
Florida Southern College Graduate, Winter 2024
Communications in Advertising & Public Relations
Animated Typeface Poster
This is a poster that gives a brief synopsis of the typeface, Georgia. More information on both the poster and creative process can be found here.
Polaroid “Mock” Commercial
In the spring of 2024, I had a group project where we had to create a campaign on how we would reposition a company. My group chose Polaroid and our campaign included repositioning the company as an innovator and timeless, creating a pop-up museum across the country going to cities and music festivals, and positioning the accessories that most potential consumers are not aware of. The video was written and edited by me.
Public Service Announcement - Online Media
A video for one of my classes during Fall 2024. Savannah Hand, Chelsey Moore, Katy Wood, and I researched the topic of skin cancer and how it can be prevented through proper sunscreen habits regularly. I helped write a final script, and directed and edited the video to have the feeling of a VHS and infomercial style video to give a bright and vibrant aesthetic to the video. My friend Adam Boulos was our spokesperson and did great for someone who doesn’t have much experience speaking in front of a camera.